Getting More of This Important Vitamin Could Help Tame Arthritis Pain in Your Knees

Few things are more bothersome than arthritis pain. It’s a constant companion that makes most movement difficult, especi

Few things are more bothersome than arthritis pain. It’s a constant companion that makes most movement difficult, especially when it’s found its way to your knees. Sitting on the couch all day might be all you want to do, but it’s not exactly the healthiest habit. Instead, try taking more vitamin D to help curb your knee pain from arthritis. A new study has solidified a link between the condition and some relief.

Arthritis causes inflammation in the lining of your joints, which often leads to tissue damage and chronic pain. This is especially true in knees, which are constantly moving, bending, and supporting your weight. A research team in Spain sought to find the role vitamin D plays in the development of knee osteoarthritis to try and find some relief. Their results are promising for anyone struggling with this pain.

Researchers split a group of 96 people in half: One group had early osteoarthritis, while those without the condition made up the control group. All participants had their levels of vitamin D examined, as well as their parathyroid hormone levels, which regulate calcium in the blood.

Overall, scientists found that people with early osteoarthritis had lower levels of vitamin D, and a significant number of them were deficient, compared to the control group. Those with lower vitamin D levels also showed higher levels of pain and overall discomfort. This led scientists to highlight the role of the vitamin in treatment and potential prevention of osteoarthritis.

How to Boost Your Vitamin D Levels

If you’re struggling with pain, it might be worth upping your vitamin D intake. The “sunshine vitamin” plays a role in so many of our body’s important functions — but in these winter months, it’s not always easy to get our fill. Instead, we can turn to foods and supplements to get enough.

An easy way to get more vitamin D is by drinking milk, which is “one of the most popular fortified products through the addition of adding vitamin D concentrate,” Dr. Stewart Allan tells us. (You can also get vitamin D fortified orange juice.) But if you prefer sticking to traditional supplements, Stewarts says they “provide the same health benefits.”

However you get it, taking more of this health-packed vitamin could help bring relief from arthritis pain in your knees!

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