Pfizer Recalls These Blood Pressure Meds Due to High Traces of Cancer-Causing Compounds

Medications are an important step to help regulate certain health conditions — especially high blood pressure. Keeping o

Medications are an important step to help regulate certain health conditions — especially high blood pressure. Keeping our blood pressure low means we can avoid heart disease and kidney failure down the road. However, it’s worth taking a second look at your blood pressure meds as they may have serious side effects. Pfizer issued a new recall of Accuretic and other related drugs as they’re believed to contain excess amounts of a cancer-causing compound.

Which blood pressure medications did Pfizer recall?

In a recent press release, Pfizer announced a voluntary recall of Accuretic tablets alongside two generic versions distributed by Greenstone. The generic versions include quinapril and hydrochlorothiazide and quinapril HCl/hydrochlorothiazide.

As explained by Pfizer, these three medications contain chemicals called nitrosamines, and the amount in each product exceeds the acceptable daily intake level (26.5 nasogastric/ng per day). Nitrosamines, many of which are cancer-causing compounds, are commonly found in foods such as fish, meats, water, and beer. “Everyone is exposed to some level of nitrosamines,” the press release stated. “These impurities may increase the risk of cancer if people are exposed to them above acceptable levels over long periods of time.”

Pfizer believes that the hypertension benefits still outweigh the risk profile of these medications based on current available data. Also, the company adds that they are not yet aware of any reported adverse effects that might relate to this recall.

The company reassures its audience that there is no immediate risk to patients taking this medication. However, Pfizer encourages people who are on these medications to speak with their doctor about alternative treatment options for high blood pressure. (In addition, patients should not change their regimen without speaking with their doctors first.)

How to Naturally Control Blood Pressure Levels

Controlling your blood pressure on a daily basis is simpler than you may think. Cutting down on the amount of salt you consume is a good place to start. The reason? Excess sodium in the body draws water into blood vessels. This raises the pressure on blood vessel walls, which leads to high blood pressure. 

So, substitute some of the salt in your recipes with seasonings like oregano, turmeric, and dill. Also, enjoying everyday favorites like potatoes, non-fat Greek yogurt, and orange juice have all been linked to better cardiac health!

In addition to a balanced diet, leading an active lifestyle is another natural way to control blood pressure. A fun activity such as dancing or going on an afternoon stroll can help do the trick. Plus, doing 12 minutes of isometric resistance training each week has been associated with decreasing blood pressure over time.

Ultimately, staying on the safe side when taking blood pressure meds may help you avoid any negative effects later on!

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